In the Fanchou Library, an entire wall of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves is filled with a diverse collection of books. Would you like to know what’s on those shelves?
In the Fan Chou Library, an entire wall of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves is filled with a diverse collection of books. Would you like to know what’s on those shelves?
We are currently cataloging every book and entering the details into the Fan Chou Books Database, all while designing a search function for visitors to explore the collection with ease.
Once the database is live, you can search to see if any of the books might be of interest or value to you. Fan Chou, unfortunately, didn’t have the chance to leave instructions about what to do with his books. We imagine he would have wanted them to be either donated, given away, or recycled.
If you’re interested in receiving any of these books, please feel free to contact us via email through the website.
We are currently cataloging every book and entering the details into the Fanchou Books Database, all while designing a search function for visitors to explore the collection with ease.

東西論衡 天平上的中國
國史大綱 上冊,下冊
中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第七个五年计划, 1986-1990
What Does China Think?
中国近代经济史稿 : 1840-1927
亦獨亦統 扭轉現狀

- 蔣緯國口述自傳
- 蔣經國傳
- 美国与美国人
- 東西論衡 天平上的中國
- 國史大綱 上冊,下冊
- 李宗仁回憶錄,上冊,下冊
- 李鵬日記VS趙紫陽錄音
- 第三種中國想像
- 三十歲以前的毛澤東
- 毛澤東私人醫生回憶錄
- 江澤民生死問題:改變中國的政治平衡
- 中國近代史大綱
- 中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第七个五年计划, 1986-1990
- 毛澤東兵法
- 阿特拉斯聳聳肩(3冊合售)
- 中國怎麼想?
What Does China Think? - 大道之行-追尋跨世紀交通人背影(隨書附贈紀錄片DVD光碟舊
- 我所看見的未來(十萬冊紀念版)
- 中国近代经济史稿 : 1840-1927
著者:王方中著 - 亦獨亦統 扭轉現狀

Once the database is live, you can search to see if any of the books might be of interest or value to you. Fanchou, unfortunately, didn’t have the chance to leave instructions about what to do with his books. We imagine he would have wanted them to be either donated, given away, or recycled.
If you’re interested in receiving any of these books, please feel free to contact us via email through the website.